Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I know you can hear me; but are you listening?

In a word full of noise, how hard is it to pay attention? Listen to the TED Talk given by Julian Treasure on 5 ways to listen better and share your opinions on the topic.


  1. I do believe that it is important to have proper grammar in a work environment. Not many people focus on grammar during a casual conversation which I think effects us in some way. The idea of a grammar test implemented in interviews is a great idea but only suitable for an appropriate job position. A grammar test may help equalize the same attitude people have when wanting a job desperately. Personally, I wouldn't want to have to face a grammar test before or during an interview but I know it'll help in the long run

  2. Nicole Mondelo; Seccion: 759883.
    I think that now the people are more involved on the electronic devices than face to face conversation. The inatention is afecting the listening abilities to understand the speaker because the people are not paying attention to the person who they are talking with.The problem of inatention is afecting the world with violence because the people only ear what they want and discuss with less than 25% of the conversation or statement.

  3. In my opinion, this couldn't be more accurate. Not only does listening affect how we learn but it also affects how we communicate with others. If we put listening classes in schools today I feel that would tremendously improve learning and communication skills, as well as having a positive affect on the violence that is taking place in our world today. Listening skills take practice, just like any skill. When we listen we understand. Practicing our listening skills can potentially eliminate our inattention to things allowing us to understand more, have better grades and be a better learner and communicator.

  4. Faimie M.

    Listening is the act of hearing a sound but paying close attention to what a person is saying and trying to understand the message so that you can try to relate. Most times when people said that they're listening they're aren't they don't even understand what is being spoken of. I think listening is really important if you don't pay close attention you might miss something important for example in foreign affairs listening would decrease the misunderstanding that cause alot of full blown wars.

  5. I can agree with this video and agree with Nicole Mondelo also because there are alot of people that only hear what they want to hear instead of trying to listen to what is actually going on. People are more focused when they're using a electronic device as a "middle-man" to communicate with someone. If it's an argument going on between the two, the persons tend to listen to specific things that makes it easy for them to have a "ammunition" responses to get back at the person which I tend to do sometimes but i'm working on it. George SPC1017-754387

  6. Michelle Perez
    Like the video just mentioned I do believe that listening is a skill not very commonly practice but should be because it is a very important skilled used in our daily lives. The gentleman had a good point on how society today only retains about 25% of the actual information given to us through conversation because in today's world listening is not of a common normality. today most folks use technology to escape from your face to face interactions with other people due to them not being as comfortable to keep a conversation going with a complete stranger as suppose to the 1930's or earlier generations. I agree with the statement that listening should be a skill taught in our schools today because like many other skills listening needs to be learned due to the fact that it is not an innate skill that human beings were born with. To be an effective listener one needs to learn the necessary skills to actually understand the information in our everyday environment. Thus, listening should be a skill refined by everyone in our society today because we are bombarded with so much information that it is a skill just to focus on one single aspect of information itself.

  7. Alex PaƱeda Section: 759883

    I agree with this video and Nicole Mondelo. Listening plays a huge part in face to face conversation as well as large public speeches. Listening does not consist of just letting the person say what is on their mind, it also means that the listener is actually absorbing the information being delivered. I believe that one of the biggest crimes in society today is that there is no communication happening between the younger generations as well as the older ones. The younger generation is too busy with electronic ways of communication to actually feel the emotions of face to face contact. The older generation has no way of getting through to the youth due to their inability to work newer technologies.

  8. I very much agree with all of the points Ted points out in regards to listening. His video made me aware of things that I knew logically but didn't realize the adverse affect it had on my ability to listen. I'm going to try his 3 minutes of quiet a day theory to see if it has a positive impact on my everyday life. In my opinion I think human beings in the current state of the world are too self-absorbed to be good listeners. You have to be humble to be a good listener. You have know that you don't know everything their is to know. That's just not where we are as a human race, in my opinion.

  9. I agree on what Julian Treasure said. He explained everything about listening very well. I believe that listening is the key to everything and it is most important. It seems like everyday we are losing our listening because we either just want to hear what we think is interesting or some people just don't care. We really should use the 5 simple ways to listen better so that we can connect and communicate more often. By listening we would totally have a better understanding on whats going on. We need to listen consciously to live fully as Julian stated in the video. If not then we would not have understanding or connection of anything. They should actually put classes like this in school, so that we can always improve our communication skills/listening skills. If we just listen carefully we would understand, connect/communicate with others and maybe there would be peace as well.

  10. Kyle Setney

    I completely agree with this video. Listening is one of the most important parts of communication, and it is scary that it is disappearing everyday. Listening goes far beyond words. All auditory communication is important, take for instance a child listening to their iPod while walking home from school. A child listening to music is in their own little world, and will not be able to hear warnings of the danger around them. Without headphones a child could hear a cars horn in time to get out of the way, however with headphones they don't last a chance. Listening isn't just important, it can save lives.

  11. I agree fully with what Julian Treasure is explaining to us. He says we were good at listening years ago, however as time progressed, mundane listening skills have diminished greatly. With technology constantly progressing and becoming more advanced, we find more and more to ways to communicate besides face-to-face. I believe that we as humans should try and regain the strength of listening and perfect it. The example Mr. Treasure gave on people not listening was very true. War, hate crimes, abuse, etc. With better listening skills, the world will be a kinder and more patient planet to live on. The exercises work as well. I myself tried a few and it helps immensely. I agree 100% with what Mr. Treasure spoke about.

  12. Paying attention and actually listening to what the speaker is saying can be kind of challenging. You can easily drift off to a millions thoughts that has nothing to do with what the speaker is speaking about, if you get bored. It is also harder to pay attention in a noisy environment. You have all these sounds going through your head while trying to focus on just one and that can be a headache!

  13. Rachely A:
    I completly agree with this video because it is incredible how people listen whatever they want to listen, a perfect example of this is just like he said about being in a room full of people talkin loud and some says your name and you are going to hear it, because is in ourselves. Very little people actually knows how to listen. My opinion is that many of us know how to hear, but few of us know how to listen. Its very sad because sometimes is something you can not control, but its also something you can learn and that important. We need more people listening in order to communicate right and then we would have a peaceful world.

  14. What a pointless talk. I'm not convinced listening is as important as he claims. He just showed some pictures of tragedies and claimed the lack of listening was the causation. I don't buy it. Then he gives us some exercises I have no interest in doing. He concludes we needs listening, because he says so. I didn't find a shred of logic in this talk.

  15. Michelle Perez

    The documentary about love in our class was an interesting way of explaining how falling in love and staying committed to someone has evovled. I feel that the documentary was a little basis towards men in the aspect that it made it sound like because women have become more independet and are showing more of there sexual side ; that it is there fault that love is that much harder to find. Why is it only the women`s fault? If men are equally as guilty. The excuse that it is biologically incoded into men to pregnate the world does not make it okay for only men to live the way they want to. Women should have just as equal chance to live like men do and try and understand why men find cheating so appealing.

  16. i think listening is very important, it shows that you take interest and you care. i'm always the listener in my relationships with friends especially couples.
