Thursday, February 25, 2016


Think of your favorite television show or series. Do some research and describe any transmedia elements associated with it. For instance, take a look at Downton Abbey's homepage and all that it offers. Does your chosen show have a fictional website? Do the characters have their own social media accounts? Can you participate in the story through the internet?

Client side

As we get ready to wrap up our IMC project, I'd like you to step into the role of the client you chose to represent. Make a list of 5 questions you (as the client) would like to ask the "advertising agency" (you as the student) who is presenting a campaign proposal next week.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Interactive Films

What's the idea behind an interactive transmedia film?

What's the premise of HBO's Voyeur?

What's the premise of High Rise, the documentary?

What are some interactive elements you found in both High Rise and HBO's Voyeur?

What are your overall thoughts on both projects?

Transmedia storytelling

Do you ever participate in a digital conversation when watching television or a movie? Can you think of an example of when you've done that? Or if you haven't, can you think of an example where you could digitally interact?

Thursday, February 18, 2016


For today's blog, take inventory of your life as portrayed on the internet. Have you ever googled your name? What kind of story are you telling through your social media profiles? Do you think your social media presence might affect your future, especially when it comes to employment? Why or why not? If so, what changes do you need to implement in order to create a more cohesive, intentional online story?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Think of the last movie or TV episode you watched and briefly describe its plot; in other words, the sequence of main events.


As we discuss the creative process this week, let's get our creative wheels turning. As best as you can, caption this.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Who is one of your all-time favorite characters? Think back to your childhood, or your current life, whether from movies, books, or oral narratives told by someone. And makes this character so special  and memorable to you?

Career paths

If you were to enter the advertising world after college, where would you see yourself working? In-house? In an ad agency? A boutique or big agency? As an account executive, researcher art director, copywriter? Explain your choices.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Superbowl Storytelling

Did you watch the commercials during the SuperBowl? If you didn't, take a look at and select one brand you believe was the best at telling an interactive story to the public. Explain your reasoning.


The biggest day of the year for advertising has come and gone (marketers spend up to $5 million for 30 seconds of air time) and now it's your turn to share what you thought of it all. What were your favorite and least favorite spots and why?

Mountain Dew's PuppyMonkeyBaby

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Personal Branding

As most of you are getting ready to graduate in a few short months, it is time to start thinking about your personal brand, especially when it comes to your online presence. Read this article and share your thoughts on what your profiles say about you. Do you think they will impact your career and job search? What should you do or not do when it comes to sharing your life online?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Interactive Narrative Brainstorming

As we start preparing for our first big project of the semester, take some time to brainstorm on potential means of storytelling - whether through a blog, social media (think beyond Facebook to Steller and Periscope instead), a video game, interactive film, or even VR. Think of what genre of story you would like to tell, and share below.

Golden Pizza

Although not an official Super Bowl sponsor, Pizza Hut is still celebrating the game's golden anniversary, with plans to deliver 50 gold-flaked pizzas on its busiest day of the year. What are your thoughts on the idea? Does it appeal to you? What do you think are the most effective Super Bowl commercials?