Thursday, January 28, 2016


Watch Joe Sabia and his use of different technological devices to tell a story. What are some of your favorite digital channels of storytelling at the moment? Is it blogging? Video games? Interactive film? Which ones are you interested in learning more about? Which one(s) you'd like to use for our upcoming writing projects?


For its Super Bowl ad, Colgate asks you to turn the water off when you brush. In the 30 second ad, you won't find any Colgate products being featured. Instead, the spot discusses a larger issue—the importance of saving water. How effective do you think an ad like this is? How do you think consumers will respond to it?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Take a look at these kids' reactions to old computers. What is your earliest memory of a digital world? Was it a toy? A music player? A computer? Describe the device and how it shaped your life. 


Read the Ad Age article on Geico's Unskippable commercials and share your thoughts on what makes (or doesn't make) this campaign Ad Age's 2016 Campaign of the Year.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Before we discuss the origins and history of storytelling, I'd like you to briefly describe your favorite story. Tell us whether it was from your childhood, or it was a recently discovered story.  Is there interactivity? Suspense? An element of magic? Did you receive it through traditional or digital media? Does it follow a chronological timeline? What about the story makes it so memorable to you?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Elusive Creative Genius

Where do you think creativity comes from? Do you agree with Gilbert? What do you do when you need to create? Do you feel pressure and how do you overcome it?