Thursday, January 28, 2016


Watch Joe Sabia and his use of different technological devices to tell a story. What are some of your favorite digital channels of storytelling at the moment? Is it blogging? Video games? Interactive film? Which ones are you interested in learning more about? Which one(s) you'd like to use for our upcoming writing projects?


  1. My favorite type of story telling has to be by far video games, it is because of the entertainment value, not only could I entertain myself with the story but I could also do it with the gameplay, it is so interesting and fun and with so many different types and genres I never get bored.
    I would not mind learning about other types of story telling mainly blogging and writing which seem interesting to me and for upcoming writing projects I would not mind to write, maybe create a game or something that allows me freedom and in which I am able to make full use of my imagination.

  2. One of my favorite forms of digital storytelling would have to be me blogging is just one way for me to tell my own story as well as see other people share their stories. It is a great way to be you. You make it your own. I think that blogging can be very different depending on which websites you use. For example I love tumblr, and I have been using it for a while. Here I am able to post and reblog pictures, texts, and much more and it is endless. You can follow other people’s posts and just see their story. What they like and how they put it together. Also people who use blogs for personal or even other professional reasons are great. It is a way to help people and get your stories seen. Your advice, your opinion, and your way of telling a story that maybe people have heard before. I think blogging is just an overall great way to express your individuality, since you can do whatever you please on it and say what you want it is a release for some people. ~Jules

  3. Right now, my favorite digital channel of storytelling are podcasts. There are podcasts for everything like specific sports teams, cooking, news, cars and many more. I just got into listening to podcasts last year when I found out one of my favorite sports shows has a podcast of the taped show. I usually have class in the morning so I'm unable to watch it most days. Being able to listen to it whenever I want is perfect because I can listen to it while I do homework, while Im walking around or driving in my car.

    I would definitely like to get into blogging more. I currently have a blog that I use when I attend different sports games and my study abroad experience when I was in Europe. I don't follow anyone that blogs but I think it would be interesting to start but I don't know where to start. Blogging everyday would be extremely helpful with my writing skills so maybe I'll start doing some more interesting things so I have different topics to write about everyday.

  4. Currently, my favorite method of digital storytelling is both blogging and video games. Although they may seem different, they both provide a basic concept of interactivity. Most blogging allows the reader to leave comments, giving them the opportunity to directly interact with the blogger. Video games can be interactive on many different levels. Some allow you to interact with other players online while some allow you to choose how the story within the game plays out. I'm interested in learning more about both of these in order to be able to use at least one of them for my upcoming project.
    -Savanna Blackerby

  5. Some of my favorite digital channels of storytelling at the moment include audio, audio-visual, blogging and microblogging. I'm also a big fan of what the Humans of New York guy does with images and a brief block of text, but I'm not sure what one would call that. I know a fair amount about these, but there's always more that can be learned and applied - especially when regarding audio and audio-visual formats. I think audio might be fun to pair with writing, but I don't have any specific plans. Plus, I'd be open to trying other digital channels that I've yet to use/learn about.
    -Rebecca Turner

  6. I think one of my favorite digital channels of storytelling would always be a printed book. I love the fact that I can have my book and pass through the pages. I love to read that way, and I would love at some point to share with that type of source of storytelling. I would say that I am also a big fan of blogs; in fact I have three of them for different purposes. Having the possibility to be able to share whatever you want to share with every single person in the world is just amazing. Being able to have the possibility of having feedback from another people is a way to enrich our culture.
    However, I would say that the one that I really want to learn more about is about interactive film. I haven’t experienced it much but I would definitely see myself enjoying it very much. Why? Because I think video and interaction are those ways in which people really get involved and where people is able to enjoy the story at its fullest.

  7. Currently, I'm really interested in blogging and interactive documentaries. These two elements of story telling have revitalized and evolved the way we tell and receive stories as a society. Blogging is really interesting to me, because I started out wanting to be a journalist for print, but now I know that career is very unlikely to last long-term. Print won't survive. I think it would be nice to learn more about interactive documentaries, because it is a way to completely immerse your audience into your story and to keep them there a long time, and it is a method of storytelling I don't know too much about at this time.


  8. My favorite form of digital storytelling is blogging. I find that blogging has a great way of telling a story about anything. Whether it is a story about one teens life who likes to write alone in his or her room, or a blog devoted to telling the stories of a whole community, the possibilities are endless. In this class I would like to focus on blogging because I feel it is a great way to show self expression. It would be fun to choose a niche project to focus on for the semester.

  9. My favorite storytelling devices are definitely video games. There's an entire genre of games that are played much more for the story than actual gameplay or a challenge, and they are called visual novels. It's almost like reading a book with animation and voice acting, that you control the pace of. Another great new storytelling avenue is the way we're watching this video: YouTube. The vast quantity of material and new genres that have come from YouTube are truly astounding. I can be watching cat videos one minute, a science class tutorial the next, and video game commentary the next.

  10. I personally love story telling in the form of documentaries. This is because documentaries give realistic insight to events that have actually happened. The stories told in documentaries are usually always true and I find them extremely thought provoking. Documentaries are produced in all different forms and can be historic, scientific, hard news or even fun and factual. I enjoy them mainly because there are so many documentaries to choose from and they give extremely interesting information.

  11. There are many storytelling devices that I use, such as Facebook, music video or film. I am most interested in learning music video and interactive film. The reason is that there are many ways people use to tell story and relate it to the content of each song. Interactive film is not a new concept but I don’t know much about it, so it would be interesting to know more how people transfer a original story to a game with some changes but still make it engaged other people to enjoy it.
