Thursday, January 28, 2016


For its Super Bowl ad, Colgate asks you to turn the water off when you brush. In the 30 second ad, you won't find any Colgate products being featured. Instead, the spot discusses a larger issue—the importance of saving water. How effective do you think an ad like this is? How do you think consumers will respond to it?


  1. I think that although Colgate probably made this advertisement as a publicity generator, it also served a larger purpose. Lately I've been noticing that companies' advertisements are transforming and incorporating more into powerful messages for the public, instead of a typical brainwashing advertisement telling you to buy their product. By changing and taking away their product and instead focusing on their brand and their values, in my opinion this advertisement was beneficial for Colgate. When
    I see advertisements like these I always find them refreshing and eye-opening. These type of advertisements are definitely changing the advertising industry and other companies should start thinking about incorporating these messages as well.

  2. I am the kind of person who likes to see the good in people, but I'm also very realistic. I love the fact that Colgate used their power for good, and helped spread awareness about wasting water, but I also know that they did it with secondary intention of raising brand awareness about themselves. I think this ad, and ads like it, are effective to the general population and less so to people who overthink everything (like me). I think most consumers will respond positively to this ad, because so many people are in favor of helping the environment and bettering our world that we live in. The product placement would come as an afterthought.

  3. Apparently Colgate is trying to create generate a positive image by showing their concern about environmental issues. This may have been a result of some kind of bad image associated with them in the past as the result of pollution as a result of their manufacturing practices, or it may just simply be a way to create an image of social responsibility and awareness. In any event, it does seem to be a worthwhile effort to draw attention to their brand.

  4. I don't think this commercial is effective for a tooth brush commercial but it would be extremely effective if it was just to raise awareness. I had no idea at all that it was a colgate commercial. The commercial is shocking which makes it memorable and effective but it does not seem relevant to what it is attempting to advertise.

  5. Liz DeGroot:
    I find that this advertisement is simple but makes a bold and powerful statement. It is harder to put the concept of waste into context without a visual aid to go with it and this commercial does a perfect job of really hitting home with the issue of conserving. There are no words, yet the shots of the mug being filled, a pear being washed, and a little girl scooping water to her mouth is quite moving and provocative. I believe that although some may be skeptical that it is a publicity stunt, it is for a good cause and deserves attention. I like the fact that Colgate focuses on the bigger picture issue instead of simply their toothpaste products. In the long run, people will remember the importance of the advertisement and think highly of the Colgate company because of the power of the message.

  6. I think this ad is extremely effective because of its subtle mention to the brand after the PSA is run. For starters, the advertisement is creative in bringing our attention to a worldly cause in a manner that is subtle yet impacting. I appreciate how throughout the start of the ad, the focus is solely on the issue at hand rather than incorporating the product in as well. This tactic creates a sense of brand loyalty, and a certain genuineness about the company. Colgate did a good job adding their logo at the very end of the commercial to tie in their support of the cause. Overall, I think consumers will respond positively to the commercial and applaud Colgate for their philanthropic efforts.

  7. I don't know, really. I think it could help when it comes to how uninformed a lot of people still are about just how much water they waste when they leave the faucet running. On the other hand, there are also those who do know and make sure to always turn off the faucet. They might view this as annoying and simply telling them what they already know yet again. All I can say is that I think this ad is worth airing, even if some people will probably hate it.

  8. I've watched this ad before and I really like it. Maybe because I consider myself a little bit of an environmentalist, but I really think it creates conscious and awareness to the cause. I believe an ad like that is really effective for this type of cause, that wouldn’t increase the sales fro Colgate but helps to associate the brand to a good cause and build a good reputation. People will start thinking that Colgate doesn’t care only about money but also care about people and the planet. I think consumers will respond positively to this ad and that can have a good impact into the brand’s image and reputation.
    Monique Cordeiro Luz

  9. I don't think this ad is advertising the right idea. I had no idea this was going to be a toothpaste commercial. I feel as they were trying to use the shock treatment and was not that effective. Personally this ad does not make me want to buy the toothpaste and this was a weird way to go about a commercial. I think there will defiantly be a response to this. There is almost always a response to ads that go out of the norm. I don't think this ad is completely awful I just don't think it gets the job done by promoting there product. However is Colgate is doing a campaign about saving water and going green and more of these ads come out I believe it will be effective and people will support this cause and buy Colgate.

  10. I think that the fact that the Colgate advertisement doesn’t show any of their products is what makes it effective. While the whole thing itself is an ad, the lack of product placement takes away from the idea that you’re being sold something. Also, the idea that you don’t necessarily know what the advertisement is for until the end is what makes it somewhat intriguing for viewers.
    I believe consumers will feel positive about the advertisement because Colgate is taking the attention away from their company and their products and focusing on the much larger issue at hand. The only reason I feel some consumers may feel skeptical about the advertisement as a publicity generator only because they could think Colgate is using a large important issue only to promote themselves.

  11. Effectiveness of this ad depends on what the objectives were in the first place. Was it to see an increase in sales of Colgate products? Or was it to spread the idea of water conservation through use of the social media campaign #EveryDropCounts? If it's the latter, I believe it has potential to be successful and effective, though I don't have the analytics to confirm that.

    Modern consumers are not necessarily just looking for the latest product and where to buy it. They crave more depth than that, and by taking a stance on an important issue such as water conservation, Colgate is achieving that. The brand has more of a personality based on what it backs as well. Also, more consumers might switch to Colgate if their personal stances align with those of the brand.

  12. I don't know if it will make anyone change their ways when it comes to brushing their teeth, but it definitely brings awareness to the topic. This video made me think about my faucet usage while brushing my teeth, but i'm not sure if it will change my habits. I think the feedback to the ad will be very positive. It brings up a subject that most American know they use an excessive amount of water than actually needed. For results though, i'm pretty sure it won't change anything. I know that is horrible to say, but it is the truth. - Matt Curry

  13. I believe this ad to be extremely effective and relevant, considering the water crisis going on in Flint, Michigan. This Colgate ad demonstrates how unselfish the company is and how they care about people running water so carelessly. This ad had a personal impact because I tend to run the water more than I should. After viewing this ad I will be more considerate and mindful of the water being used when brushing my teeth.

  14. I think this commercial does a great job addressing an issue that most of us are guilty of taking part in. Since Coltgate products are mostly used in the sink, it's only fitting that this is a cause they'd get behind. I think plenty of people will take part in this cause, since it's fairly simple to just turn the faucet off while you brush your teeth.

  15. his was a very interesting advertisement. I did not realize the brand behind it all was Colgate. I think the ad is effective because of the lone fact that this ad will be played during the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl reaches millions nationwide and for Colgate to not do a stupid commercial of something brushing their teeth with extra super duper whitening scope ability. Colgate decided to address a bigger issue that water is taken for granted. Running the faucet or running the shower longer than necessary affects other people around the world. The ad is clear and concise, plus meaningful at the same time. I can't say how consumers will react to this, but I do know the a certain audience will appreciate a larger issue at hand being addressed.
    > Kelly Nehmen

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