Tuesday, February 16, 2016


As we discuss the creative process this week, let's get our creative wheels turning. As best as you can, caption this.


  1. National Geographic Magazine, You Won't Believe the Mysteries You Will Discover!

  2. And on this page we have the Thailand monkeys, shocked at how there is no article printed on the negative space of this spread.

  3. "I can't believe she ate it. Do we tell her we put poop in it?"

  4. A pair of monkeys' reaction to seeing an actual three-headed monkey.

  5. Since there are two monkeys basically intertwined it makes me think something along the lines of "two is better than one" but I don't quite understand what national geographic is trying to say about these monkeys. Are they almost extinct? Rare? Popular? Special in some way? Also the monkey is holding something, probably some sort of food or bark. Kind of looks like Ben Stiller's "Blue Steel" in Zoolander the movie; however, this target audience might not understand that reference. Is this a parent and a child or is this a man and female? I need much more background for an authentic cohesive caption.

    I guess I will stick with "two is better than one" and pretend that this monkey is becoming extinct or something.

  6. "when I watch Donald Trump interviews on TV"
    Monique Cordeiro

  7. "Dayummmm son" - referring to the hot chick in the tight cream dress with red bottoms.

  8. When the DJ drops a banger out of nowhere

  9. "Come take a walk on the wild side."
