Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How much online research do you do before making a purchase? What do you check for? Do you follow any brands on social media? If so, why? (What's in it for you?) How effective for a brand is it to have an online presence?


  1. The amount of research I do before making a purchase depends on what I am purchasing. I will do much more research before buying a car than I would when buying chapstick, for example. Often, a lot of the "research" I do online isn't set up like research; it happens when I am browsing blogs and they review a product, or just as I interact with the world via the web. Having an online presence is important to the brand so that people become acquainted with the brand and can recall it easier, as well as it makes it easier to share organically online to their friends.

  2. I usually don't make a lot of research online before making a purchase. I usually put the on google the product name followed by the word "review" to see what people is talking about the product, I consider that I enough and I can have a overall of the consumer's opinion. If a brand has a bad reputation usually shows up in this research. If a brand has a good reputation online and a good online presence that is very effective because that can prevent of bad things showing up in a research like that, and even if the product has a bad review, if the brand answers the consumer and tries to help that is a positive point.
    Monique Cordeiro

  3. Before making a purchase I don't do much online research, especially because I never really purchase things online. When making a large purchase I usually confide in my dad and get his opinion because he is far more financially responsible than I am. As far as everyday products and brands I usually go with word of mouth from family and friends that have already tried and recommend the item. Online I don't follow any brands except for some online clothing boutiques which is odd because I've never even purchased clothing online. I think I use their posts as inspiration to coordinate my own outfits. I think it is still very effective for brands to have an online presence so that they can interact with customers and get feedback from loyal users as well.

  4. The amount of research I do when purchasing a product definitely depends on what I'm purchasing. For example, I bought a record player of the summer, and spent a solid month doing research on different brands. I looked at reviews on multiple websites, ranging from Amazon, Walmart, and the actual brand websites. I follow a lot of brands on social media, but I don't typically pay a lot of attention to what they post unless it's promoting a sale or something similar. I think having an online presence as a brand is incredibly important in this day in age, when just about every piece of information is conveyed online. People check Facebook multiple times a day, and each time they check is another opportunity for a brand to get content exposure.

  5. I usually do a lot of research if I'm buying clothing from a brand I've never bought from before, since every brand has different measurements on sizing. I follow a few brands on social media for various reasons. Some clothing companies are more independent and exclusive than others, so they have a passionate fan base that likes to interact with them. I also follow brands that offer giveaways/exclusive discounts to followers. Other brands simply post funny/relevant content, which is enough for me to follow them.

  6. I do my fair share of research before making a purchase. I check for reviews that other customers have posted to make sure its something that I want to invest in. Having an online presence is vital considering how much we rely on the internet and social media. A strong online presence enables brands and products to be exposed more for consumers.

  7. I do research depending on the item. If it is a more expensive purchase I always do research to make sure I am getting the best quality for the best price. I follow brands on social media if they post good ideas on different ways to use the product (clothes, makeup), but that is more for fun not serious. I think it is extremely effective for a brand to have online presence because it makes it more popular and easier to know about.

  8. To be honest, I do not purchase many things online. I trust Amazon, and when I make purchase there I trust the ratings and reviews that pop up by the item I have added to my cart. The brands I follow on social media are Bud Light, Nordstrom, some random other clothing lines or luxury car brands such as Mercedes, Range Rover, and Bentley. A girl can dream. I like to see what is up to date with the particular brand. For example, Bud Light is rebranding their design on each can and Range Rover have created a convertible for the first time (I don't think I like it). It is just entertainment for me, as I said in the beginning, I am not one to purchase online. I have more trust when I can physically see the item/object.

  9. Depending on the product is what varies in how much research I do. For similar products I know what they are going to be like then I just buy without any hesitation. But products I have never purchased before I read a lot of reviews or blogs that compare products. For expensive product I always search around to see for any cheaper options. I fallow a lot of brands and small boutiques on Instagram. I like to see all the new arrivals without having to go through the websites of all these different clothing lines. Instagram allows me to scroll through one feed to see everything that has been posted. Rather then visiting each website and searching for new arrivals.

  10. I usually do a lot of research online by checking through other consumers reviews. Usually that gives me a good idea of what size of clothing I should buy, or whether or not the item is good quality. I check for any red flag comments. For instance, I was looking to buy a coffee maker from Bed, Bath and Beyond this morning and most comments were good except one said that the coffee maker she bought was clearly used with coffee grinds in it. Because there was only one comment stating this, I didn't think much of it. She just had bad luck. All of the other comments were very good, so I will probably buy it.

    I do not follow any brands on Instagram, but I will "like" some clothing websites Facebook page occasionally because they sometimes give you 10% for doing so. I think it is very effective for brands to have an online presence if the brand truly engages in their consumers and embraces an online personality. Their social media presence needs to be more than just promoting their brand, it needs to promote a lifestyle and become relatable to its' followers.

    One company who has done a great job of instilling a relatable social media presence is Denny's. Although they do not sell any items online, they do an amazing job of reaching their target audience of teenagers and young adults. Their twitter is fun and engaging and genuinely makes me laugh out loud. After reading Denny's twitter I think of their brand in a much better way.

  11. I do quite a bit of online research before purchasing a product. I check for price, where it is made, ingredients, warranty, etc. I am not brand loyal and I do not invest any time following brands. I guess if I was, I would be able to get coupons, special offers and updates on the brands I was following.

    I believe online brand presence is important because I realize that there are people that are brand loyal and follow their brands online. It is also a place where people like me might come across a particular brand and learn more about what that brand has to offer.

  12. Not much, admittedly, unless it's for an expensive purchase (e.g. such as in 2011, a new TV that I needed to last for several years). In such cases, I check websites where the product is sold - Amazon.com is one of them, along with the appropriate retailers. I try and examine the ratio of positive-to-negative reviews of the product. If the reviews are overwhelmingly negative, I'll probably search for a replacement. If there's only the occasional negative review (as with the TV I purchased), I am more likely to make the purchase, willing to deal with the potential flaws.

    Not participating on any social media platform these days, I do not follow any brands through that method.

  13. The only item I truly research when it comes to online shopping are my snowboards. I typically do not research an item I am going to purchase, unless it is something I am completely unaware of like a projector. When it comes to my snowboard I will hit all the brands that enforce my riding style. Some of these brands include Burton, Rome and Atomic. I check for discounts, dimensions of the board, preferred riding style, etc. I do all of the extra background checks because snowboards are not cheap. After I purchase a board i will most likely not purchase another for the next 5-10 years. So I want to make sure the board I am buying currently will be the best for me within my budget. Having an online presence for a companies brand is crucial to surviving in the 21st century.
